Personal Data Privacy Policy
YAW KAI FINANCIAL GROUP LIMITED (“YAW KAI FINANCIAL”) is committed to protect the personal information which you provide. Below is the privacy policy of YAW KAI FINANCIAL and information about how YAW KAI FINANCIAL gather information about the users of this site, why YAW KAI FINANCIAL gather it, and what YAW KAI FINANCIAL do with it.
YAW KAI FINANCIAL collects personal information from you through several means such as the use of enquiry and registration form. Every time you email YAW KAI FINANCIAL your details, YAW KAI FINANCIAL also automatically collects the Domain Name Server part of your email address and the pages you visited. YAW KAI FINANCIAL may provide information received from you to the following persons:
- any other member of the YAW KAI FINANCIAL Group;
- any nominee in whose name Securities or other asset may be registered;
- any contractor, agent or service provider which provides administrative, data processing, financial, computer, telecommunications, payment or securities clearing, financial, professional or other services to any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group or to any other person to whom data is passed;
- any person making any payment into the Client's account (deposit confirmation provided to the person making the payment may contain Client's information);
- any person with whom the Company enters into or proposes to enter into transaction on the Client's behalf, or persons representing the same;
- the drawer bank providing a copy of a paid cheque (which may contain information about the payee) to the drawer;
- any assignee, transferee, participant, sub-participant, delegate, successor or person to whom the Account is transferred;
- any business partner of any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group; and
- governmental, regulatory or other bodies or institutions, whether as required by law, regulations applicable to any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group, or otherwise.
The data provided by you from time to time may be used for the following purposes:
- providing services and credit facilities to Clients;
- giving effect to the Instructions, and carrying out the Client's other instructions;
- providing services in connection with the Account, whether the services are provided by or through, any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group or any other person;
- conducting credit inquiries or checks on the Client and ascertaining the Client's identity, financial situation and investment objectives, and enabling or assisting any other person so to do;
- ensuring ongoing credit worthiness of Clients;
- collection of amounts due, enforcement of security, charge or other rights and interests in favour of any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group;
- determining the amount of indebtedness owed to or by Clients;
- marketing existing and future services or products of any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group or any of its business partners. These services or products may be provided and/or marketed by:
- the Yaw Kai Financial Group and its associated companies;
- third party financial institutions, securities and investment services providers;
- third party reward or privileges program providers;
- co-branding partners of the Yaw Kai Financial Group and its associated companies.
- designing financial services or financial products for Client's use;
- forming part of the records of the persons or members of the Yaw Kai Financial Group to whom the data may be passed;
- any actual or proposed assignment or transfer of the shares of Yaw Kai Financial Group;
- observing any legal, regulatory or other requirements to which any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group or any other persons may be subject;
- other purposes relating or incidental to any one or more of the above.
YAW KAI FINANCIAL shall at all time observe the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of the laws of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ("the Ordinance") and save as specified otherwise, keep your information confidential.
You shall have the right of access to and to correct your personal data held by YAW KAI FINANCIAL and YAW KAI FINANCIAL may charge a reasonable fee for processing such data request. Such request for access to and/or correction should be addressed as below:
The Personal Data Officer
Unit 1605B-1606A, 16/F,
Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre
223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong
YAW KAI FINANCIAL may use the data you supplied for direct marketing purpose. You may in written request, without charges to you, YAW KAI FINANCIAL to cease to use the data for such purpose. With the consent of the Client as indicated in the declaration contained on the Account Form, member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group may use certain personal data and contact details to distribute to the Client information about other services or products of any member of the Yaw Kai Financial Group. The Client may in writing request, without charge to the Client, the Yaw Kai Financial Group to cease to use the data for direct marketing purpose. Written request could be directed to the Personal Data Officer by post to Unit 1605B-1606A, 16/F, Tower A, Manulife Financial Centre, 223-231 Wai Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong or by email at